4.5/5.0 (836)


Life's too short for parking tickets

  • Legal in all of Germany
  • Hassle-free parking
  • Mounted with magnets
  • Easy to install

Color: Light

Free shipping to for orders above €60,00

Park smart
Look smart

Our smartest p-disc to date. Your smartest way to park.

Automatically sets parking time

Easy as that. Have your parking time set automatically every time you park your car.

Approved and legal to use

The P-DISC NO2 is approved by Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) and is therefore perfectly legal to use in all of Germany. 

Our best display to date

Welcome a bigger and better display for showing your parking time, leaving no-one unsure of just that.

An intelligent parking disc
How it works

Time is money

Sometimes it’s the small things that improve our lives. And protect our wallets. An electronic parking disc does both. ‘Cause with an electronic parking disc you’ll never have to set your parking time manually again which reduces the risk of getting a parking ticket. By a great deal. Install once and be on the safe side forever.

  • Hassle-free parking
  • Battery notifications
  • Sets summer-/winter time
  • Easy to install

Legal in all of Germany

Of course. No matter where you park in Germany, the P-DISC NO2 works and is perfectly legal to use. It's approved by Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) and follows all the set requirements for an electronic parking disc.

  • Approved by KBA
  • Tested by TÙV Nord
  • Has the required e-type number
  • Follows the required design principles

Unique design

The P-DISC NO2 has our best display to date. With the black digital numbers on a white display, you leave no-one unsure of what the parking time is (automatically) set to.

  • Magnetic mounts
  • Big display
  • Easy handling
  • Danish design

Why not just use
a manual disc?

You can. If you have great memory. And never make mistakes. But you're also just a human. Who forgets. Like setting your parking time. And with parking, forgetfulness can be costly. Why take the chance?



Sets parking time automatically

Stylish design


asked questions

You bet. It’s approved by Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) and TÛV NORD and is therefore perfectly legal to use all across Germany.

Excellent question. It's all in the detail: The P-DISC NO2 has a bigger display and comes with both a light and dark background - making the parking time stand out even more. Also, the design and style is different with the P-DISC NO2 following a more modern look.

Good question. Because it's annoying that you can't get your parking disc down when you have to change the battery. Or clean the window. That is why we have made it extra easy to handle your parking disc.

It almost magic. And yet not. There is simply a motion sensor in the parking disc, which causes it to be set when the car is stationary. Smart.

Yes, what about battery? It has a battery life of about two years, but should probably give you a heads up when it needs more power. The display lights up with a battery icon and it starts making annoying noises. Just so you don't forget to change it.








