Relevant traffic information
You'll be informed of speed cameras and road hazards on your route. Everything you need - and just that.
Shared by millions of drivers
Everything the CO-DRIVER informs you of is thanks to our community. Join and get data from millions of drivers.
Convenient and distraction-free
All you have to worry about is driving. And that's enough. It starts automatically and helps you without distracting you.
All you need to know
In traffic
Speed Camera Warnings
Enforcing speed limits is always a good idea. Whether it’s a speed camera or a warning doing so. Get warnings on all types of speed cameras in +80 countries.
Known speed cameras
- Fixed cameras
- Mobile cameras
- Section control
- Red light cameras
Warnings On Road Hazards
Traffic’s unpredictable. Changing road conditions can be dangerous. The CO-DRIVER let’s you know when a road hazard is coming up so you avoid dangerous situations.
Countries supported with warnings
- Accidents
- Road works
- Stranded cars
- Other
Why choose a
There are plenty of alternatives out there. Of course. But we believe we have the best traffic assistant out there.

No subscription
Pay once, use forever
No screen to distract
Screens and traffic is a no-go
Most sold traffic assistant
More users mean more data
One-button reporting
Minimum action from the driver
Multiple data sources
Making the data even stronger
+3 million can't be wrong
Here’s what some of them say
4.2 based on 57.089 reviews
Fits perfectly
Verified purchase
Initially, I was a bit skeptical, but after 14 days of testing, I was absolutely convinced of the product.
It works so beautifully simple; you don't have to worry about anything. Just keep the OOONO app open on your smartphone; it doesn't bother you and consumes very little battery. You get into the car, the OOONO CO-DRIVER beeps briefly to confirm the connection, and that's it. Now it's armed.
The device warns very reliably without being overly annoying. It knows all stationary speed controls. It warns about mobile speed controls as soon as another user reports them. If you pass by a mobile control that hasn't been listed yet, just press the device once, and others will be warned at that location. That's it. You can expect to be warned about 95% of all controls. The likelihood of encountering a mobile speed control that has just been set up is very low. I can recommend the CO-DRIVER 100%.
What would I improve? If you accidentally press the CO-DRIVER, you can't retract the warning. But as far as I know, they have changed that in the second version.
Get access to info
shared by millions
The bread and butter of the CO-DRIVER is not the device itself. It's the community of drivers using it. They count millions and they're the ones warning each other in traffic through the CO-DRIVER. It just so happens that those very drivers are pretty cool people. Like you and me. Meet a few of them here.
Meet the community
See it?
Report it
Report speed cameras
The CO-DRIVER isn't all about getting. It's also about giving: Give back to the community by warning them of what you see. If you see a speed camera, simply tap the CO-DRIVER once.
Report road hazards
Is a road hazard coming up? Be a community hero and let the community know by tapping the CO-DRIVER twice.

Every third accident happens due to distractions
Traffic's got
a problem
And we’re here to help fix it. You see, 1 in 3 traffic accidents happen due to distractions. People being people - just in a car. But we get it. Distractions are everywhere: From our own thoughts to smartphones, passenger - yeah even the car itself with those fancy infotainment systems. Good thing is: We have a solution to help fix this problem.
The CO-DRIVER is designed to do simple, yet effective things. It connects millions of drivers and allows them to share traffic information with a single click. This means you’ll be notified on what’s waiting up the road, but more importantly, you’ll regain focus. Often a well-timed beep is all it takes to avoid becoming part of the statistics.
Connect once
Be updated forever
It only takes one connection for you to never having to take your phone out of your pocket again while driving. Once connected, the CO-DRIVER starts automatically and so can give you relevant warnings.
Oh, it also lets you customise the CO-DRIVER to your preference. Pretty sweet.
- Customise warning types
- Customise warning distance

- Customise warning types
- Customise warning distance