Lisa Boos
Car Enthusiast

A driven soul. Quite litteraly: Meet Lisa Boos, a German-based photographer & marketeer who's personal and professional life revolves around cars.

Meet Lisa


Driven is a portrait series of passionate people who all have one thing in common: They're part of the OOONO community.

We set out to explore what mobility means to them and how our CO-DRIVER supports them on their journey to follow their passion.

Benedikt Böhm

It’s almost impossible to have extreme personal drive without leading a fast-paced life.


Björn Andersen
Car Collector

He was born into a life full of vintage cars. His father started a classic car repair shop and never looked back.


Lisa Boos
Car Enthusiast

Lisa Boos; a driven soul, always on the move and full of creative ideas, who’s entire life is centred around cars.


Mario De Ragnio
DJ & Producer

From the studio to the roads and back. We met up with music producer and DJ, Mario Da Ragnio from Düsseldorf.


Matthias Knebel

Quite a bit of driving, a whole lot of wine-making, a little mountain-biking and nothing but stunning nature.


Michael Röck
Outdoor Enthusiast

Home good. Out best. To many, it is the other way around. But not to Michael Röck.


Nick Jacobsen

Life as a kitesurfer is anything but a regular ride. To Nick, however, it is a way of living.
